Once Broken (Broken: Season Two #1)
Kol Anderson
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Next Installment in the Broken Series. Find out what happens to Aaron next and meet Carter Bennett, his replacement.
Preceded By
Aaron Taylor has been working at an escort company for the past six months. Just when life seems to have gotten better and he is beginning to think that he has a grasp of this line of work, his handler sends him to a new client. Vincent Greene looks like he might just be Aaron’s best client yet but he doesn't know the extent of Vincent's cruelty.
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My Thoughts

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow, this collection just completely floored me. If you want something really dark in the m/m genre, this is it. I could not put it down. The rape and torture in it are horrendous. The internal monologues helped me to get through it. Book one was pretty exciting. Book two tried to kill me. Book three tried to mind-fuck me. I was surprised by the way some things went. But I must say that I was not shocked by that ending. I knew something was up. Even though some parts went a great way toward traumatizing me, I can't wait to move on to the next book. The author is a miracle worker in my opinion to be able to write scenes like the ones in this book, some disgusting and some hot. I never knew what was going to happen this time, each time.
*If you can't handle drug usage, graphic violence, forced sex, brutal torment, you will definitely not want to read this book.
About the Author
“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
― Oscar Wilde
I'm a writer. I'm not a book-minting machine and I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay ;)
― Oscar Wilde
I'm a writer. I'm not a book-minting machine and I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay ;)
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This cover model is gorgeous. I just had to say that.
The Broken Series is a mix genre of BDSM, horror, drama and erotica. This being the fourth book in the serial, I'm starting to put more and more together, but nah not really. Still pretty much getting my mind blown. This particular installment didn't contain enough breakage to destroy my previously damage psyche. It kind of fell in the median of darkness when compared to the rest of the books.
The main focus of this episode is Carter. He is more of an innocent than Aaron was.
Now the boy was on the bed, his hands bound in front on him with plastic ties, gagged, and blindfolded.Carter is smart though. He adapts well, and may even have a previously unknown kinky side.
Aaron and Vincent pop up a bit, as well as some of the other characters. The ending is a great one. I'm wondering what's next for both Aaron and Carter.
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