Johnnie: Siphon, Book 1
- Narrated by:
- Length: 5 hrs and 50 mins
- Series: Siphon, Book 1
- Unabridged Audiobook
- Release Date:07-06-15
- Publisher: The Romance Authors, LLC
A Premier lion shifter, Hugh Landry dedicates his life to leading the Berk pride with strength and confidence. Hundreds of people depend on Hugh for safety, success, and happiness. And at over a century old, with more power than can be contained in one body, Hugh relies on a Siphon lion shifter to carry his excess force.
When the Siphon endangers himself and therefore the pride, Hugh must pay attention to the man who has been his silent shadow for a decade. What he learns surprises him, but what he feels astounds him even more.
Two lions, each born to serve, rely on one another to survive. After years by each other’s side, they’ll finally realize the depth of their potential, the joy in their passion, and a connection their kind has never known.
10 bits of random trivia, with Greg.
I actually studied acting in college, along with
opera; but got a degree in Computer Science.
My recording booth itself is only 3’ x 5’ x 6’ .
. . so when I read MM romance, I go INTO the closet. Ironic, no?
It takes between 5 and 7 hours of total
production time with the finished manuscript to create 1 hour of final
audio. Fiction Audio reads at about 9800
words per hour.
In addition to voice acting, I have been a Whale
Watching guide, a Paramedic, and a Farrier (shoeing horses)
I rarely, if ever, listen to a complete book
again once the production is finished.
By the time I am done, I’ve read the book to myself, read it aloud, and
listened to it for editing… and I’m on to the next story.
Anguish is the easiest emotion for me to
portray, because a well-written script pulls you in, and it’s a completely
one-person emotion – but it’s draining.
I have cried in the booth more than a few times. Comic passages are the trickiest, because the
proper timing and reaction between characters are essential.
I drink an average of 1.5 liters of water per
hour, while recording. Average recording
sessions are 2-4 hours long between breaks.
As a kid, I lived with my family on a sailboat
for a year.
My personal record for most distinct voices in a
single book is 73
Coffee, Dairy and Alcohol are all bad for the
voice. . . which means I have to moderate some of life’s greatest
pleasures. (not eliminate tho, I’m not
Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.
Cardeno's Home, Family, and Mates series have received awards from Love Romances and More Golden Roses, Rainbow Awards, the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, and various reviewers. But even more special to CC are heartfelt reactions from readers, like, "You bring joy and love and make it part of the every day."
Win an audio copy of Johnnie by Cardeno C.
presented by:

This was my first time with lion shifters and the whole idea of a premier and siphon. Hugh is a huge alpha, 7 feet tall, 300 pounds. His whole presence is very large also. Johnnie is sweet, sensitive and ignored. I really felt bad for him. For many shifter stories everyone seems like family. To me, this book felt more like a king and his kingdom.
Those who love shifters and the author's other works will probably love this one too. It has a beast of an alpha and a virgin in the shadows who has always loved him. There's lots of sex and figuring out ones place in life. It has the whole animal world way of doing things, survival of the fittest and all, but it also has the human side of things including emotions.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway.the last audiobook listened to was a simple romance by j.h.knight.