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Tuesday, April 7, 2015



First in the new Silver Valley series from the New York Times bestselling author of the Reapers Motorcycle Club Novels.

Fourteen months. For fourteen months, Puck Redhouse sat in a cell and kept his mouth shut, protecting the Silver Bastards MC from their enemies. Then he was free and it was time for his reward--full membership in the club, along with a party to celebrate. That's when he saw Becca Jones for the first time and set everything in motion. Before the night ended he'd violated his parole and stolen her away from everything she knew.

Five years. It was five years ago that Puck destroyed Becca and saved her all in one night. She's been terrified of him ever since, but she's even more terrified of the monsters he still protects her from... But Becca refuses to let fear control her. She's living her life and moving forward, until she gets a phone call from the past she can't ignore. She has to go back, and there's only one man she can trust to go with her--the ex-con biker who rescued her once before.

Puck will help her again, but this time it'll be on his terms. No more lies, no more tears, and no more holding back what he really wants...

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Ignoring him, I settled back on my stool and surveyed the room. We sat in Becca’s section, and what I saw wasn’t making me happy. I knew she was a good waitress, but she’d just started here and it showed. Not only had she fucked up several orders, she didn’t quite seem to get the rhythm of the bar. That wasn’t my problem, though.

My problem was that despite these fuckups, nobody seemed to mind. I had a nasty suspicion this was due to her perky tits, friendly smile, and tight little ass that seriously just needed a bite taken right out of it.

She really, really needed to get a new job—every man in the place wanted her. Including me. Especially me. I hated them. All of them. I shifted uncomfortably, because just like every time I shared a room with her, my pants had gotten tight.

Torture. Becca was just so fucking fine on every level, and not just her looks. There was something about the way she carried herself . . . I couldn’t put my finger on it. Like she was dancing through life to some song nobody else could hear. Never met another woman like her—she wasn’t just sexy, she was a survivor and I admired that.

She’d grown up so much since the first time I’d met her. Bigger boobs, a nice fullness to her ass that was nowhere close to fat but would be perfect to hold tight while I fucked her. Her lips had plumped, too, and over the years she’d gained a sparkle in her eyes that turned her from pretty to 100 percent spectacular.

Not to mention how she’d tasted.

Nearly blew in my pants when I’d taken that mouth. Just the memory got me hard. Make that harder. Fucking basket case.

When I’d pulled up to find her sitting outside with Collins, a thousand murder scenarios ran through my mind. And yeah, I know I covered that already, but if anything ever deserved empha- sis, this was it. Collins needed to die. I didn’t care how nice he was. After that I’d throw Becca on the back of my bike and make a run for the hills . . .

Okay, so there were a few problems with the plan, the top one being she hated me. Or she should—I’d certainly given her cause. Boonie nudged me.

“Did I mention you’re pathetic? You want her, take her. Other- wise let it go because you’re an embarrassment to all men in general and to the Silver Bastards in particular.”

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Meet Puck & Becca on April 7th! 
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About the Author:
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Joanna Wylde is a New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Reapers Motorcycle Club series. She currently lives in Idaho.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter |  Goodreads


Signed Paperback of Silver Bastard (3 copies)



Silver Bastard (Silver Valley, #1)

There are some authors that you just know you will like their book because of previous experience. She is definitely one of these authors. If you liked/loved her other MC stories, you should like/love this one also. It's obvious she still went to great lengths to be authentic. Everything feels believable. It's not all pretty; yet, it's perfect. That being said, I feel that this one is different from the rest. While it still has plenty of bikers and one is the male lead, it centers more around the town. Many of the characters are not members of an MC. Another difference is how the main couple meet. It's very nontraditional and darker than her previous books in my opinion.

Puck is an honorable man, but he's not exactly a good man. The distance he goes in both directions makes him a bit of an enigma. We saw in Reaper's Stand that he isn't a 'pretty boy' and isn't afraid to make the tough calls. His number one priority is his club (Silver Bastards). He's not in the business of making friends; although, he does manage to become best friends with Painter (Reapers) after spending over a year in jail together. There's something about Becca that calls to his inner self also.
That's when it hit me. Someday I wanted to have kids, and in my head they looked like Becca.

Becca is a tragic and damaged character. She has one of the worst mothers ever. Sadly she still lets this terrible person have control over her. On the plus side, she is strong and goal oriented in life. Puck simultaneously saved and hurt her in the past, and she has never gotten past the fear, safety, excitement and attraction she feels whenever she sees him.

This novel has themes of overcoming pain and the day-to-day struggles in life. It also has aspects of sexual abuse and murder. Nothing is terribly graphic, but it's there. The preview for the next book sounds interesting, seems it may be an Irish mob tale, and I'm super looking forward to it.

***copy given in exchange for an honest review***


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