Book Title: Meant For
Author: D.H. Starr
Publisher: Ai Press (October 1, 2014)
Book Length: 203 pages
Genre: Gay romance; M/M romance
Book Blurb
Another hot guy
from Greenwich Village is about to meet his match. That is, if he doesn’t mess
things up…this time.
After the failure of his relationship with
Jeremy, Andrew Jamieson threw himself into a routine his high powered job on
Wall Street and workouts. After two years, however, he is unable to quell the
longing in his heart for that special someone. Feeling hopeless, Andrew resigns
himself to life of work and living alone in his pent house apartment. That is,
until he's fixed up with Peter, the local bartender in Jeremy’s favorite
watering hole in the East Village. Peter is hot, sweet, sensitive
and…masterful. Peter brings out a side of Andrew he never knew he had. And he
can’t get enough. However, the same difficulties Andrew had with Jeremy
threaten to rear up and ruin his chances with Peter. Will Andrew love Peter
enough to let himself have the one guy in the world who could be meant for him?
Author Bio
D.H. Starr is a product of the 80s who should have grown up
in the 60s and wishes he could travel through time to visit the Ancient Romans
and Greeks so he could wear togas and be considered in-style. He loves to
torment his characters before giving them their happy ending, enjoying the way
they struggle and change from beginning to end. On his off-time, he can be
found parading naked through the woods, searching for mystical creatures who he
swears do exist. Once he finds the portal to their world that will be the last
you see of him. His favorite quote comes from the musical Rent, “No day but
today” and he loves the song Seasons of Love because its message is so true.
Author Contact Links
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exercise tormented a distinct part of his body. There was precision to the work
as he focused within, as if he were able to command individual cells to do
their part. Mechanically he progressed from core to limbs as he broke down
muscle tissue so it could build back up even stronger.
As one hour
passed and the next was well underway, Andrew continued his circuits until he’d
stretched and pulled every fiber of himself. He finished his workout with a
thirty minute run on the treadmill.
Once done,
he stepped off the machine, panting. He ran an internal check, trying to sense
any lingering stress.
His mind was
blessedly clear as he carried himself down the stairs to shower and change.
There were just as many men as when he’d arrived earlier, but Andrew wasn’t
focused on them. The ache from his workout still throbbed in his body and the
penetrating heat of the steam room beckoned him.
He made
quick work of undressing, aware of the glances he received but ignoring them.
With a skimpy towel, which seemed to be a staple at all sports clubs, barely
clinging to his hips, he entered the small tiled area. Immediately assaulted by
thick billows of vapor, Andrew stood in the middle of the room
gaining his bearings. Slowly, he was able to make images along the benches. He
worked his way to an empty spot where he could have some space.
There were
two guys just to his right stroking each other’s cocks. Their eyes were fixated
on the objects in their hands. When the man closest to Andrew leaned over and
took the second guys cock in his mouth, Andrew closed his eyes and leaned his
head back against the wall.
For several
minutes he simply breathed in and out through his nose. The door opened and
closed a few times and the slurping noises next to him continued, but Andrew
pushed each distraction aside, focusing on the wet heat in the room. As little
as two or three months earlier, he would have watched. Maybe even participated.
But meaningless encounters held no appeal to him any longer.
The image of
Peter flashed behind his closed lids, along with the imagined statement he’d
made in Andrew’s fantasy. Let me take care of you. Andrew
didn’t need anyone to take care of him. I know what
you want. Andrew didn’t even know what he wanted. How
could anyone else?
snapped his eyed open and noticed a man leaned against the wall next to him.
Each muscle stood out along his powerful frame and, as Andrew surveyed the
physical prowess, he couldn’t help the way his eyes fell naturally to the man’s
groin. Long fingers of one hand cupped the package, rubbing gently and doing
virtually nothing to hide the sizable lump hidden beneath the towel.
Though the
steam blurred Andrew’s vision, he could tell the man was staring at him in open
invitation. Had this been another time, if he hadn’t become so aware of his
isolation, Andrew would have allowed his covering to slide open and his dick to
lay bare for the man to see. He might even allow his hand to drift towards his
groin, playing with himself. But none of those impulses or desires surfaced.
Instead, Andrew closed his eyes once again, shutting out the obvious
the pass was enough to stimulate Andrew’s thoughts. And the more he tried to
concentrate on breathing and relaxing spent muscles, the more his thoughts
closed in until they captured one thing.
In one day,
the man had managed to wedge his way past the walls Andrew’d constructed
to hold his desires at bay. And in another day Andrew would have a chance to
see the guy in action at the gym. At least he hoped so. After the way he fled
Jeremy and Craig’s he wouldn’t be surprised if Peter backed out. Heaviness
settled in his chest. Why should he care? He barely even knew the guy. Even if
he’d met him a few times and admired him at Phoenix, there was no good reason
why he should care if Peter broke their date.
Is that what
their meeting at the gym was? A date? Andrew closed his eyes once again. He
wondered whether Peter would wear a tee-shirt or a tank. Did he wear sports
clothing like Adidas or Nike, or did he simply work out in plain cotton? Did he
wear a jock or underwear?
question brought new pictures with it and Andrew slid his hand towards his
cock, rubbing at the growing bulge. With his palm, he created friction using
the rough material covering his skin. His breathing became slightly heavier.
what he was doing, Andrew opened his eyes to find Mr. Beefcake, who’d stood
next to him. He’d moved and was now located directly in front of Andrew, his
towel slung over his shoulder.
gasped, surprised to see the man standing before him. The giant lowered himself
to his knees and reached to unhitch Andrew’s towel.
It was as if
a light had been switched on. Andrew stood and brushed past the man, exiting
the steam room and wincing at the rush of cool air against his skin. Securing
the towel on his hips, Andrew scampered to his locker and made quick work of
The whole time, one question screamed inside
his head. Why didn’t I let that guy blow me? The man was
hotter than hell and looked like he was ready to provide Hoover action on
Andrew’s cock. Yet something had recoiled at the idea of letting someone touch
him in that empty, purely physical way.

This book is about two men who have to learn to take opportunities that arise in their lives in order to have a chance at not being lonely. Both are fine how they are but must step out of their comfort zones in order to be in a better place.
"I'm afraid if I try, and get hurt, I might not be able to bounce back and be happy again. At least I know the way things are. I'm not miserable."
Andrew has to learn to give up control sometimes, and Peter has to learn to take charge and go for it. They don't instantly fall into place. Most of the book is them being a work in progress trying to figure themselves and each other out.
In my opinion, the storyline needed more dimension, not necessarily more words, but words used to give the Meant For Each Other universe a more 3D feel. I did like the maturity of the the exes staying a positive in each other's lives and everyone becoming close. It's nice to read a book involving past lovers and not see the petty arguments from those past relationships. In this story, they are actually still best friends after everything. The characters are likable and the story leaves behind a good feeling.
***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***
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