Tied (Tangled #4)
Emma Chase
For most of my life, I never imagined I’d get married. But Kate did the impossible: she changed me. I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before, but now I’m even better.
A fourth full length novel, once again all from Drew Evans's point of view. Begins about two years after the end of Twisted.
As a thank you to all the readers who preorder Tied in eBook or paperback, I’ve written an ultra-funny, super-sexy, Drew POV outtake from Tied!!! Don’t want to give too much away – but it’s a Drew & Kate focused scene – one that no Tangled fan will want to miss!!
Send your pre-order confirmation to giveaways [at] emmachase [dot] net and you’ll receive the bonus scene after Tied‘s release on October 7th.
I’m unbelievably excited to share Tied with you!!! It was a joy to write and an amazingly fun time to be back in Drew Evans’ head. If you thought you loved him before – you ain’t seen nothing yet ;)
Emma xoxo
Emma xoxo
A sampling (that you of course can use when posting) of the pre-order treat entitled...
Indecent Proposal *TIED pre-order bonus excerpt*
"I hover over her, just close enough to caress her with my breath. “Fuck, Kate, the things I want to do to you…”
Her round, dark eyes drift over my face — filled with love and need. Docile and demanding at the same time.
“I’m yours, Drew.” She whispers. “You can do anything…everything.”
Does she understand what she’s offering? How badly I want to hear her voice, soaked with pleasure, screaming my name until it echoes off the hills around us?
Oh, the possibilities."
The Tangled Series
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goodreads | amazon | barnes & noble | simon & schuster | bam | indiebound | iBooks | chapters
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Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I absolutely love Drew. He is perfection. This installment is the bachelor and bachelorette parties and the wedding. Also we get to see the big group together—all their friends and family, all the kids. Drew and Kate's son is a freaking adorable little mini Drew, attitude and all.
I don't feel like I can even explain the extent of my love Drew. He is completely and utterly devoted to his relationship with Kate. I've never seen a man so changed, yet still so himself. Of course he's still crude and full of bad language, but he's so refined at the same time. Ladies, you should make your boyfriends and husbands read this for direction on the art of wooing a woman. He knows a woman's body and heart so well. Also he isn't afraid to show his softer side while making it seem cool.
"Because I would never let her go, Matthew. Ever. No matter what happened—no matter what I did, I'd keep hoping, trying, until she came back to me."
Drew's internal dialogue and thoughts are as entertaining as ever. The fiascos the members of the wedding party get into are hilarious. The romantic parts are like a fairytale. The family parts are über sweet. I devoured it all, and it felt like heaven. This is the perfect final book (unless there's a chance of more Drew, of course).
***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***
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