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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh Review

Book Summary

Dive into a world torn apart by a powerful race with phenomenal powers of the mind—and none of the heart… 

In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of "rehabilitation"--the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was...

Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy coexistence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion--and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities--or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation...

Read an excerpt from Slave to Sensation HERE


Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling, #1)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reading this book took over my life. Unable to function normally after starting it, I ate and ate the words until they were gone. I haven't been seized so throughly by a book in some time.

Slave to Sensation is a romance, but it's also much more. A great deal of the story deals with sci-fi and urban fantasy. Our world has underwent a change which has divided the human population. Regular humans still exist but don't have a substantial role in this novel. The two with predominate roles in this storyline are the Psy and Changelings. Psy are computer based beings. They are without emotion and very fact oriented. The Changelings are animal based or shape shifters. They rely heavily on feelings and are more connected with nature.

I was very drawn to all the details of the sci-fi aspects. I mean I really liked the shifter portion. It was great, but the whole humans set on a network like internet, I found very interesting. I can just imagine humanity heading that direction, all business machine, no sentiments, no instincts. The heroine is stuck in this situation, growing up surrounded by the robotic heartless, knowing she doesn't fit in. She must fight to mask her responses behind the cold façade that is expected. The Changelings are warm and inviting to Sasha and the reader. I fell for Lucas, the pack leader, quite easily.

This book was the perfect mix of science fiction and urban fantasy. I don't remember reading anything like it. I will definitely continue the series.

***copy given in exchange for an honest review***


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