About the Book
Samuel “Sin” Taylor doesn’t know the difference between sex and intimacy, but maybe that’s not his fault. He grew up in a world where it was easier to get physical pleasure than to find love. But as a prostitute working the streets, Sin thinks he’s finally found his true calling. After all sex is the one thing he’s good at, right? But when Isaac enters his life through mere coincidence, Sin finds it a relief to be someone other than Sin.
How long can he keep up the charade?
About the Author
“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
― Oscar Wilde
I'm a writer. I'm not a book-minting machine and I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay ;)
― Oscar Wilde
I'm a writer. I'm not a book-minting machine and I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay ;)
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
So here's Kol, fucking with my mind again. The Kol Anderson library is like walking down a dark passageway never knowing what's waiting inside each room you pass. Kol loves to test the boundaries of readers' comfort zones. From what I've read, he only writes in either dark or taboo. This story falls under taboo.
Poor Sam just can't seem to catch a break. He feels no love for himself from any direction so he starts using his body as a means to make his way.
"Why is fucking the answer to everything for you?"
His drug use and prostitution are hard enough crosses for him to carry, but they most likely stem from his confusing childhood. Through all of his "adventures" in this short story, I couldn't decide if I wanted to enjoy the depravity or cry over his self-hate. The scenes flipped from sexy to sad often.
People don't care about broken people the way they care about broken legs.
If you're looking for a sweet romance this is not your book. That being said, I liked it, as I always do like everything he writes. This is one author I definitely plan to continue following.
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